Food for Thought
Food for Thought is an after-school program offered “free” to students through the Bucks County Technical High School’s 21st CCLC after-school Food for Though program. The program began in the fall of 2016 offering meals to 40 homebound seniors that were enrolled in the Ivins Outreach Center’s Staying Put in Lower Bucks program. The meals are delivered each Friday by the Ivins Outreach Center staff/volunteers and are designed to provide enough food for both Saturday and Sunday. The meals are high quality home cooked nutritionally balanced and consist of three courses: salad, entrée with vegetables, bread and dessert.
About the Program
The Food for Thought student participants are both special education and academic students. An approach of full inclusion while completing BCTHS community service- -learning initiative has given students growth in personal confidence, teamwork and job completion, culinary competence, leadership skills, collaborative skills, and empathy. The program provides students with a foundation in the basics of food preparation, safety, and restaurant operating procedures which will enable graduates to secure food service careers. Students receive instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays to create homecooked meals that are so appreciated by those that receive them.
The 21st CCLC grant provides funding for the program but cannot purchase food items, groceries, or meal ingredients. The Ivins Outreach Center will deliver approximately 480 meals during the 2023/2024 school year. Food for Thought is an important program for the students and enjoyed by the recipients.